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Curriculum materials are available for public access downloading in pdf format. We actively encourage teachers and community members to review and use these materials. Please feel free to contact us. We are able to provide advice and information to facilitate the use of these materials. We also appreciate feedback on your experiences using these materials.

  • Unit 1: Two Ways of Knowing, Traditional Ecological Knowledge Meets Western Science, by Veronica Ignas
    Students compare Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge using case studies of
    Indigenous Plant Classification, the Pine Mushroom Industry in North West British Columbia, the Smallpox Epidemic of 1862 and the impact of AIDS today.
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  • Unit 2: Traditional Plant Knowledge of the Tsimshian, by Judy Thompson
    Students apply understandings of Traditional Ecological Knowledge to plant identification, classification, traditional cultural practices and nutrition.
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  • Unit 3: First Nations Resource Use on the Northwest Coast: Investigations into Geography, Ecology, Knowledge and Resource Management, by Scott McKeen
    Students examine resource management and environmental issues, and ways that Traditional Ecological Knowledge can be used to address them. It features a resource management simulation.
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  • Unit 4: Tsimshian Involvement in the Forest Sector, by Paul Orlowski.
    Students explore ways in which First Nations societies adapt to changing social, economic and environmental realities, focussing on the changing relationship of the Tsimshian with Forest Industries.
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  • Unit 5: A Sense of Place: Regional Identity, Informal Economy and Resource Management, by Cheryl Aman; backgrounders by Linda Mattson
    Students understand a sense of regional identity through experiences that emphasize the social, cultural and economic interdependence of people and resources in the Prince Rupert region.
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  • Unit 6: Living and Working in Oona River, by Kenneth Campbell
    Students examine the changing economies of one of the North Coast's few remaining coastal communities.

    The River People: Living and Working in Oona River, student resource book by Caroline Butler and Kenneth Campbell
  • Unit 7: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change. Based on materials developed by Veronica Ignas; designed and produced by Ken Campbell.